Before I start, this may well be an unpopular blog or at least divide opinion. Think Marmite. Which, non related issue, I am actually allergic too!
There is no one more supportive of netball volunteers. You only have to read previous blogs, follow me on social media or see me ‘in action’ at an event to know that to be true! I’ve been a volunteer, I am a volunteer. Real volunteers need to be cherished. Netball doesn’t happen without them.
The recent Sport England Active Lives survey has reported that we have 3.1 million LESS volunteers in sport compared to pre Covid numbers. The report rightly celebrates the 6.6 million volunteers making activity happen.
Still, 3.3million is an astonishing amount.
For someone who spends ALOT of time organising grassroots netball events - charity festivals, tournaments, pay & play etc etc I have had a surprising amount of difficulty recruiting volunteers, post lockdown.
Traditionally I have had been extremely grateful for a vast spectrum of volunteers - young, up & coming umpires completing their volunteering hours for schemes like Duke of Edinburgh to more mature ladies, only too happy to bake and sell cakes for charity events.
The last six months or so, since festivals and the like, have been allowed, it has got a lot more difficult attracting these awesome people. Youngsters are more worried about catching up on studies, people are going away more because they can and to be honest, it just seems people have re-evaluated their lives and volunteering is no longer a priority.
Even the volunteers who do come forward (this is where it’s going to get marmite!) don’t always seem necessarily happy to be there!
I have experienced volunteers who are a hindrance rather than a help. Not necessarily any one person’s fault but I’ve been on the end of some very ‘flakey’ behaviour over the last few months and I’m so frustrated by it, I’ve decided (maybe unwisely!) to include it in a blog.
I’m particularly incensed by fake volunteering.
Definition: to offer to help but with no intention to actually follow through. An intention to volunteer, unless something better comes along!
Sadly there are more than a few examples. I try to always go above and beyond to make sure that my volunteers are valued and appreciated - but perhaps I do need to revisit how I do this.
The most unfathomable behaviour is ‘volunteers’ just not doing what they’ve offered to do! No one has made these volunteers ‘volunteer’! I just don’t get it! I would honestly prefer them not to volunteer at all, then put their hand up and then drop out or just not do what they’re supposed to. It causes more work for, guess who? VOLUNTEERS! 9/10 event organisers work voluntarily too!
Unfortunately, I believe Covid-19 protocols provided ‘tick box’ exercises for people wanting to watch a netball game but because spectators weren’t allowed, ended up ‘being’ Primary Carers or Covid-19 Officers. Oh the irony!
These positions are of the upmost importance. However unlikely, in the worst circumstances, these volunteers can be life / death decision makers - players deserve more than tick box spectators.
But, listen, forgive my ‘Moaning Myrtle’ tirade. For every late volunteer or one that doesn’t turn up at all - I have at least 5 very special lovelies who do the most remarkable things to make netball happen!
They are part of the 6.6million regularly washing bibs, taking up a whistle, booking venues, updating first aid qualifications and everything else that needs to be done in sport! They’re the ones Sport England are and should be celebrating!
Why not join them? It’s a really special feeling giving something back to a sport that gives so much!
But please, do it properly! 😉